Baby lobsters and a really good castle

Today I visited a small town called Amble up here in Northumberland, it's only about 8 miles from where I am staying and I'd never been before so thought I'd check it out.
Amble is a very small town with a harbour and not and a street full of shops, it is mainly everything on one street, although there are some nice shops down near the harbour, especially fish monger selling and breeding lobsters, crabs and other fish as you usually get at the coast.

It was great to see the baby lobsters, which will eventually be released into the sea, there was also another thank with crabs and fully grown lobsters in, sadly their claws had elastic bands around them, I don't like seeing this as it's no good for the lobster and can reduce muscle etc with not being able to use their claws, but I suppose it is a safety thing as no doubt you will get one idiot that decides to put their hand in the tank.

(Looking up the river towards Warkworth - Shot on a Samsung S21).

I had the worst coffee ever in Amble, I certainly won't use
that shop again, I can't remember the name of it, but you can only have takeaway cups if you are sitting outside, the drink was vile and I wasted it, I can honestly say, it wasn't a latte.

After our visit we drove a mile or two to Warkworth Castle, this castle is a gem and I think it's the best one I've ever visited.

It doesn't look very big from the outside, but on 3 floors, and loads of rooms to go in, this is like one of the castles you see on those old Robin Hood films etc, this is certainly a castle how you'd imagine it.

(A lovely view of the coastline from the windows of the castle).

*(Looking down the river towards Amble).

The castle is free to get into for English Heritage members, and this is certainly worth a visit, again, the coffee from the machine is vile from here too, so I ended up wasting two cups today, but other than the coffee, I had a fantastic day out.

All shots taken using a Sony A7iii and a Samsung S21 phone.

Thanks for reading,

All the best :-)

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