Another Epic Rainbow & Shown On TV!

With this mixed weather we are having, this is the second epic rainbow we've had in a week, to tell the truth it's the third rainbow although the second one wasn't too epic.

I was just heading out to take care of the plants in the greenhouse when I saw this at the bottom of the garden, so I had to yet again photograph another rainbow lol.
It was still raining pretty fast when I took these shots so I only used my Samsung S21 again but this time I took more shots and experimented with the phone.

I was also playing with the zoom feature, although I think anything over 3x aren't very good, although it is only a digital zoom so I can't expect wonders.

I wish it hadn't been raining as fast so I could have got my Sony A7iii out and shot the rainbow, however, it's not as waterproothatfed as that of my phone, so I had to comprimise.

After watching the local ITV news for my area, Kerry Gosney, the weathergirl actually showed my image of the rainbow on TV, I was going to upload a clip to 3speak, but I'm still awaiting for the email so I can reset my password, so maybe that will be in a future post, although my facebook has gone mad with friends saying they've seen my picture on the TV.

I really hope you've enjoyed this post and also enjoyed looking at natures light show of the fantastic rainbow.

Thanks again,

All the best :-)

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