A Massive Meal, Psychedelic Macro & The Moon

This week didn't go to plan. I was hoping to get out and get my sunset shot over Stanedge Edge, however, the weather decided not to play nice on my days off.
I did finish work early on Saturday, however, seeing as it was the weekend, I knew the edge would be rammed with hikers, so decided on giving it a miss.

This week has been a mix, but there was some great highlights, one being this gorgeous meal. We went out for a family member's birthday to a place called the Big Smoke in Rotherham, I have to say, this was proper nice lol.
Not something I could eat all the time, as wouldn't even be able to afford it at £28 a go (before a drink), but as a treat now and again, it's great.
So with this I got some beef brisket, steak, chicken breast, ribs & wings, potato wedges and two massive onion rings, the onions must be the size of footballs lol.

I didn't need any supper after this monster meal.

The following day I thought I'd turn my hand to a bit of macro photography, it was a bit windy for macro although I did get a few shots I liked.


I have these black beatles on my apple trees, not sure what they are, but they are enjoying the leaves.
As I mentioned earlier, it was a bit windy, and as anyone who likes macro, things need to be still as you only have millimetres of focus distance to play with.
I gave the macro in the garden up as a bad job and went in to the greenhouse, as my girlfriend had bought some new flowers. I don't know the names, but I love the pyschedelic look that the following flowers give, this is all straight from camera with only minor adjustments in lightroom.


It reminds me of some sort of portal or something lol.


It did get warm in the greenhouse in the blazing sun, so I headed in doors to wait for moonrise.


The moon was straight out the bedroom window, so didn't have to go down the garden or anything, it was great to see, knowing that this full moon is known as a Blood Moon.

I do like my astro-photography.

I'm really hoping that you've enjoyed this post, I'm also hoping I can get some epic landscape shots done this next week, fingers crossed.

Thanks for reading.

Equipment used for photos:
Iphone XR (Food Shot)

Macro shots:
Sony A7iii with MC-11 adaptor, using a Sigma 105mm Macro lens (Canon fit), some shots also have the Raynox 250 filter on them.

Sony A7iii with the MC-11 adaptor and the Sigma 150-600mm Contemporary lens.

Thanks again and all the best :-)

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