Today is my two year anniversary for dating my girlfriend


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I can't believe it has already been two years 😱💞🤯

April 4, 2022, marks two full years that @flowerbaby and I have officially been dating. We have known each other a little bit longer than that but decided upon April 4th as the date to remember.

This is by far the longest I have ever dated one human and I can say that it has been an absolute joy to do so. To think that we still get along as well as we do is pretty mind-blowing to me. Most people cannot handle my personality after several months of being around me. I'm a wild and hyper character, what can I say.

She has helped me quit smoking weed (edibles only now), stop drinking alcohol (no thanks), and even got me back into the gym finally. I can say I feel like a better person with much of the credit going to her.

I decided the best way to celebrate us successfully dating for two years would be to reminisce on the many great times we have had together. It would be impossible to share every single thing we have done, if you really want to know just visit @flowerbaby's page because I blogged about most of it as it happened.

With this post, I wanted to share some of my personal favorite moments. I spent hours going through the thousands of photos that we have taken together and this is what I came up with.

I hope that my friends and viewers will enjoy this post as much as I did. The photos are going to be a bit out of order, but I'll be sure to briefly explain each moment with a caption.

I love you Hannah @flowerbaby!

This is the photo that got me to pursue @flowerbaby. She just looked so cute and happy, plus I used to teach aerial.

Our very first photo together, taken during a hike in Charleston.

I love this photo so much for some reason. She is wearing my Neymar Brazil soccer jersey and I have on my retro Jordan All-Star basketball jersey.

Our first Christmas and we wore matching pajamas.

First Valentine's Day in a snowy Ritter Park.

We wore matching rave outfits to go see Ghostrydr on my 29th birthday.

When she got her wisdom teeth taken out, she's so damn cute.

Doing acro yoga in the backyard of our Airbnb in Saint Augustine, FL.

Taking her to her first rave at a club to see Ace Aura.

A peacful sunset on the docks in Saint Augustine, FL.

One of my favorite photos of her ever. This was during our first beach trip together in Hilton Head, SC.

First time going to a fetival together to see Excision's Reunion at Legend Valley.

She decided to go blonde and it turned out amazing.

We had way too much fun being silly together at the Palace of Gold in Moundsville.

We loved drinking butter beer at Wizard Fest in Ironton, OH.

At my friend Jake's wedding, looking quite dapper.

We began dating basically right at the start of COVID and have been together ever since.

Her first beer was at a fun outdoor festival that we went to with my brother in Pennsylvania. She hates beer.

Our first underwater photo. I found out that I'm weird for opening my eyes under the water. I also learned that she doesn't go under without a noseplug or holding her nose.

Her dog Juno totally loves me!

She took me kayaking with her family multiple times.

We both love going paddleboarding at Sutton Lake.

The brief period when she had pink hair. I liked it, but she changed it again soon after.

We found out that we love the Renaissance Festival and cannot wait to go back this year.

We both love the ocean tremendously.

It's all about business. Not really. We are just being silly during our first beach trip together.

She had been dying to cut her hair shorter. This photo in our hotel on the river in Pittsburgh had the most perfect natural sunlight.

She started and completed her 200-hour yoga teacher training and is still teaching classes now.

When we went ziplining with my mom and brother. I got stung by a bee as soon as we got there.

We wore matching kitty Christmas sweaters for our second Christmas together.

Another unforgettable photo from our first beach trip together.

Hanging out with my mom's Pomeranian named Fritz.

Taking a break during one of our fun kayaks trips on the Coal River.

When we went to Grit's Farm to take photos in the sunflower field.

Our first Halloween together. I was obsessed with Ghost of Tsushima and she wanted to be a fairy pirate.

Second Halloween and I went with Reaper from Overwatch and she was a spooky witch.

She finally cut her hair the shortest it has ever been. Look how cute it turned out.

Our second Valentine's Day together, back in Ritter Park once again.

One of our most recent photos together while we were hanging out at Coonskin Park.


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