[The wild animal lion who forgot to brush his teeth] [6]

What was my surprise when I found his photo of the lion.
Yes I say lion. Mr the lion who sleeps all the time who yawns and sleeps and who yawns and also forgets to brush his teeth. You can see it on the left of his tongue in the color photo, his mouth full of dirt or sand I don't really know.


Mr. Lion is yawning because he got tired of waiting to eat.


I was impressed with the size of the beast. His head is huge. I don't know if you've ever seen a tadpole? I find that the lion collects a bit there. A big head and a rather thin body hahahah.


The Mr. the Lion poses for the photo he looks at me fixedly he must be wondering how he could do to catch me and consume me.


In fact, no he without mocking he is not hungry he knows that at a very specific time the person responsible for him will bring him something to eat why move.


Mr. Lion pretend I don't exist.

In this photo you can see that Mr. Lion has dirt in his mouth and obviously he doesn't bother him more than that. The question we might ask is, does the lion belong in this zoo? We can also say to ourselves that it is fed without effort and does it take pleasure in doing nothing? Would it be better for him to be in his natural environment being the predator of other wild animals or else the target of predators to end up as a hunting trofer. I don't really have the right answer to give you. One thing is on life in an area less large than the savannah it does not suffer from hunger nor from just thirst for the cold of the winters. He also has a great chance of not being shot by a hunter. The space where he lives is not large enough for him to be able to truly express all of his capacities.
In France, the last wolf was killed in 1940, since the year 2000 the wolf is back in our forests and another question arises, should you let it take back its rights over its natural habitat or prevent it from coming back?
I do not have the answer

All original photos @Cyboule.

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