Three of my best photgraphy for a big day

Hello hivean friends,

Hope you are doing well and that you are all safe and feeling good.
I am very well, enjoying life...

Part of my life is also Hive, and I am enjoying this part as well. I am really happy to see that lately my posts are getting a lot of recognition and support. With this I get more exposure and motivation to keep sharing my work here on Hive and trying to raise quality of my posts.
The most important moment happened about two months ago, when I changed structure of my posts. Usually I was posting only one photo per post, now I am sharing 5-10 on regular posts and with travel stories it is usually around 20. Travel stories are most succesful part of my blogging and that is expected, as I also dedicate most time to them. I am trying to share one episode per week. There was a lot happening in the summer when I visited a lot of places and I tried to present them in the best way in my Tour de Slovenia series. This is also the product I am most proud on. Photos and theme might not be as nice as some other World class tourust sites, but still a lot of recognition of the series and very positive response from fellow hivers.
Another key moment was when I begin to curate. I didn't know much avout curation and how it works, but now I am trying to curate manually with TipU and Curangel project as best as possible.
My Hive power was (is) low and vote didn't reach 0.01$. I was proud when it increase to 0.02$. Than it was 0.04$ for some time when also the price was good. And today I came to 0.08$ with full vote. I can start giving 50% votes and it will still be something. I can support more authors, more quality posts this way. I am really happy for that. Curation is a great thing and I enjoy reading all these amazing posts which are created on our platform. There were some changes proposed by @blocktrades yesterday but lets leave this for now. System is not perfect, but my opinion is that it has to remain 50%/50% reward split. Sure I would love to see autovotes gone! But how to reach that is a million dollars question.
Back to how I reached vote value of 0.08$ which means HP of around 6500. I did my first real power up today with almost 2500 HP. I still didn't invest that from my money, but changed some BTC and ETH from Steemit days. I am proud on that number, but even prouder on how I get to the rest 4000 HP. With authoring and curating here on Hive. I started with around 500 HP from airdrop in between I powered up about the same number of HP from Steem power. Other I get with 100% power up with my work. Especially in last month I achieved some great numbers. I would like to say special thank you to all of you. All who are voting daily, or you are curation on behalf of big curation groups (especially OCD incubation program), or big whales searching great content (@darthknight, thank you so much!), or you maybe just visited my blog and left a comment.

Usually I am sharing photography and travel related content and let the photography below be your reward and way of saying thank you.
I took so many photoa through the years that it is really hard to choose the best one. All speaks for themselves and have different stories behind.
Three photos I choose today definitely belongs among the top photos from my side.
Hope you will like them as much as I do.

Enjoy your life and enjoy your time here on Hive. Lets grow together...

Mt. Bromo, Indonesia

Flamingo reflection, San Pedro de Atacama

Glaumbaer Turf Farm, Iceland

The nicest of them all :)

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