Messin' With Shitheads

Antifa's here! You know you're doing something right when street preachers greet your arrival with that. Not sure how they how they figured that, I've yet to see a penny of that Soros money...

Saturday was Louisville's Pride Parade and Festival and my partner was in the parade so I wasn't about to miss it. @derangedvisions had inspired me to try and capture the joy and gaiety of Pride, so I headed to the parade with my telephoto lens and a 50mm in reserve.

'Best laid plans of vice and mayhem' and all that. As I was walking along the parade route looking for a good spot to post up I noticed a section of sidewalk curiously devoid of onlookers save for two guys. Motherfucker. Unfortunately, I was altogether too familiar with them from my clinic escort days.

Not sure how but they seem to make their living traveling around the state berating people in the name of Jesus. Couldn't keep them from doing that during the parade but I could keep'em from having an easy time of it.

Went and stood between them and the parade, don't know what good that did but it sure seemed to annoy them. In no time other bystanders joined in the fun and before long we were moving up and down the sidewalk in a surreal, antagonistic dance.

Even the folks in the parade joined in, some for just a short while, others stayed the rest of the parade.

Who goes to a parade and doesn't want candy? These shitheads. They seemed awful hangry but every time someone came over from the parade and tried to give them candy they acted like it was a live grenade.

Shalom y'all. A good Samaritan ran up and improved their sign for them. If candy was a live grenade then anything rainbow colored was the debbil hisself. At least that's the only explanation I can think of for two grown men frantically stomping a rainbow beer koozie.

'Eat shit and die, Joey.' There's only so much hate you can listen to one person spew before you can't help but tell'em off. It was kind of wild, he was quite comfortable with shouting slurs at people but Aunt Tifa knowing his name, not so much.

Naturally, things got even more lively after that. Apparently the shithead motto is: 'If at first you don't succeed, get in their faces and yell some more.'

Don't know about where y'all live but folks around here don't take too well to that sort of behavior. Y'all already know where this is going. Soon enough push came to shove rather literally and we damn near scrapped, but John here was more interested in threatening than he was doing.

Got two free sessions of 'Pray the demon out of you' in the process, worked about as well as one would expect. I want my money back! In one of those weird quirks of adrenaline the parade was seemingly over in a flash and I remember next to none of it but all except a couple of shitheads seemed to have a good time.

God bless southern hospitality.

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