Monochrome Monday Swans

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to flip some of the recent pictures into black and white versions!

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Monochrome Monday Swans

One of the things that I tend to do when I'm out with my son and wife is take a heck of a lot of pictures lol. Sometimes the pictures can be random, but other times they can turn out pretty well!

Converting the pictures into black and white is pretty fun though, to see how the image changes with the removal of most of the colors and seeing what ends up being prominent in the picture versus what was there before.

Seeing a water feature in black and white for me just gives it the feeling that it's something in the winter time. I know that it doesn't make a lot of sense but to see water shooting up like that and have the picture in black and white so you can't see how lush and vibrant green the trees are, makes me think of being in the winter time. I know it likely makes no sense hahaha. We saw this on the way to find a fishing spot, and near where we ran into the swans!

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The swans are certainly an element of the local fauna these days, and they can be quite aggressive. I think having the pictures changed into black and white gives it an interesting element. I do envy the time in which we took the pictures though, because it was sunny! We've had quite a lot of rainy days lately, and it's beginning to wear on my psyche a little bit haha. I don't mind rain, but when it's weeks on end of rain.. it gets to be quite a damn drag! I'll still pursue the black and white photos though, even it gives me a little bit of a somber feeling towards it. I do like some color at a time like this! :D

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The swans are indeed elegant though and this picture here is one of my favorites. The mamma with her little ones in tow, with the right light that we got makes it quite a cool photo! I think this is one of my favorite black and white photos in a while, because of the various elements at play here. Seeing the shadows of the mamma and the swan-lings (is that a word? well it is now! :D), with the various lights and darkness elements, makes for a fun little set of a picture!

Taking pictures like this around the "golden" hour of the day is a lot of fun, you end up with quite a number of different things and sometimes you don't really realize it until you're working on writing a post and maybe making some edits to the photos before you see how an image turns out in the long run. This was certainly the case here! I liked the picture but I think having it black and white actually makes me like it more than the color version.

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