Flowing Water Under Bridge

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share some pictures I took last year in the mountains of some wonderful flowing water in a river!


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Flowing Water Under Bridge

Flowing water seems to be my medium of choice when it comes to photography, so I apologize to those who have seen it a bunch of times :D

Flowing water has such a unique look and feel to it in a picture, you can almost hear it as you are looking at the picture if that is something you can imagine. I can certainly imagine it when I look at these pictures!


The particular place that these were taken is a really wonderful spot off the beaten path, but very accessible in the mountains that we enjoy visiting a few times a year. The really nice thing about it is that it's a hidden nook but it's completely accessible for people to get down to and walk around! This also means that it does get pretty congested sometimes, but other times it's perfect in that it's devoid of people which is definitely a good time.

The little man really enjoys the spot because he gets to walk around, touch the flowing water and just sit and relax next to the river, see the water as it's going along it's journey and really enjoy the peace and tranquility of the spot. He and I have been coming here for several years now and every time we are in the area, one of the things that we have to do is visit this wonderful section. The funny part about it too is that we stumbled upon it completely by accident! We were waiting for a restaurant nearby so I took him on a little journey as it was going to be about 45 minutes of a wait. We were walking around and saw someone go down a trail to the river so we decided to follow and bam we get this beautiful section!


There are a few different sections of which is also nice. This here is this little foot bridge that someone built, likely the city itself, so that people can get to the different spots easily without falling into the water. The jump isn't that big but it's certainly difficult for the young children or the elderly, both of whom visit this unique and lovely spot!

I loved taking the pictures here, but this one is definitely one of my favorites below. It's got such a cool look to it and you can really look at and appreciate the water flowing underneath the bridge. I get a pretty good sense of calm and tranquility when I think back to sitting there on the rock I am, with the camera zooming in a little bit to snap this interesting shot here. I think it's pretty symbolic as well, where we have challenges or issues in life and we work to bridge them and get over them, letting the bullshit flow underneath so we can largely ignore it.


What about you, do you have some favorite pictures that you've taken? Have you posted them to the chain so I can enjoy them? Let me know in the comments :D


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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