Qurator PhotoQuest: The most eye-catching Christmas ornaments in the city of Valladolid

My entry to Qurator Photo Quest

In the last few weeks, I have been traveling around different cities in Spain for work reasons and as a result I have been seeing a lot of Christmas decorations in the streets.

However, one of the cities where I liked the decoration the most was in the city of Valladolid and in particular its main square, where the town hall was fully lit with Christmas lights and in turn in its square there was a large nativity scene with some very nice trees that combined very well with the general light of the square.

Obviously, there was also a Christmas tree, although in truth it is one of the popular metal structures with lights, since it is necessary to avoid as much as possible to cut down trees with decorative motifs.

But the lights that I liked the most were one that I found on the way to the main square that emulated Christmas gifts.

Being the first of the decorations, in the form of a gift, the one that seemed to me the most spectacular, as it allowed to enter inside it.

There inside one felt in a place full of light and with the patience of being able to access when less people were inside I was able to take this picture that because of the symmetries I really liked to photograph it.

I hope you have a good start of the year.

Best regards.

Cover and separators created with https://www.canva.com (free version).

Photographies taken with my iPhone 13 adn Sony Alpha 6000L.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version).

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