Buskers in the Plaza de España in Seville


This is my entry for the photo contest that my friend @tommyl33 is organising.

For those of you who might be interested in participating I'm sharing the link.

Buskers Photography Contest

As you can see in his post, the theme of the contest is #Busker or #Buskers.

For my participation I am going to present you a nice musical performance that I found in a very nice place like the Spanish square in Seville.

This story happened in the middle of April, in a sunset that enhanced the beauty of the place.

When I was in the square taking some photos of the canals, I felt in the distance a tapping of the heels, a Spanish guitar and other instruments that I could not make out.

As I approached the place, I could see that there was a group of #buskers performing a beautiful repertoire of flamenco music in exchange for a few coins.

The guitar, hand clapping and the flamenco cajón (box drum) were accompanied by the flamenco dancer's heel tapping.

The strength and feeling they transmitted was incredible.

Without any doubt, it was a pleasant surprise for the ears and the eyes to have been able to watch her street show for a few minutes.

Best regards.

Cover and separators created with https://www.canva.com (free version).

Photographies taken with my Sony Alpha 6000L.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version).

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