Building decorations


Over the years, in my travels around Spain, I have come across a multitude of buildings decorated in different ways. Some buildings are decorated with simple but beautiful flowers, others with urban art and others with sculptural jewels.

Simple flowers, but which embellish the place.

When I talk about flowers and building decoration, my mind quickly travels to Córdoba (Spain).

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And no wonder, when its flower-filled courtyards are considered a World Heritage Site.

Walking through the streets near its great mosque-cathedral is a delight, even if you are allergic to pollen as I am. You will fall in love with the beauty of its streets decorated with flowers everywhere.

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Urban Art

For some years now, urban art in the cities has been gaining more and more ground and has become a real attraction in some areas of the cities.


Of the many murals I have photographed, the one I liked the most is a large mural I found in Lugo (Spain) with the great emperor Julius Caesar looking towards the great Roman wall of Lugo.


The mural is fantastic, but the choice of location for the mural is ideal. As there are no nearby buildings to limit the view of the mural, and at the same time to have the great emperor looking towards what was once the city wall of Lucus Augusti is frankly great.


Sculptural art on facades

On one of my last trips, I visited the city of Salamanca (Spain). It is a city with a medieval feel, and architecturally it is a real highlight with unique buildings such as the Casa de las Conchas (House of Shells).



But where I was totally amazed was during my nocturnal visit to the of the University of Salamanca.


There I was very impressed by the great sculptural work with the whole façade carved with different motifs, coats of arms and portraits of the Catholic kings.


On the façade of this university it is a tradition to look for a frog among the many reliefs. This frog is found carved on the head of a skull on one of the lateral columns.


My entry to #pobphotocontest

They say that if you go in a group, the one who finds the frog first will have very good luck.


I hope it will bring me luck in the #pobphotocontest to have chosen this photo for the contest organised by @friendlymoose.


Cover and separators created with (free version).

Pictures taken with my iPhone.

My entry to #pobphotocontest organized by @friendlymoose.

Translated with (free version).

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