April and May flowers in different parts of Spain

In the month of May, spring surrounds me in any city I visit in my beloved Spain and for this reason I have decided to make a small compendium of flowers of different colors and places visited in the month of April and May 2024 and 2023.

Year 2023 Ribadeo (Pancha Island)

About 20 km away from my home is one of the most beautiful places to spend a relaxing afternoon contemplating the sea and mother nature. That place is Isla Pancha in Ribadeo.

On this island where there are two small lighthouses, the green mantle of a plant with purple flowers combines perfectly with the different blue tones of the sea and the sky, providing for the eye and the soul a frankly relaxing moment.

When you step on the island and look to the west, you can see the various cliffs of the coastline that zigzag into the blue sea.

My entry to #pobphotocontest:purple organized by @friendlymoose

Year 2023, Arboces.

My neighbor's peach tree was in full bloom last year and it was gratifying that he allowed me onto his property to take some photos.

This year, my neighbor has been in the hospital with a serious illness for months, so I didn't even pretend to enter his property to photograph his fruit trees.

I hope he can recover and from here I send him a lot of strength to be able to get ahead.

Year 2024, Seville.

Seville, as a good city in the south of Spain, its springs are much warmer than the springs in the north, which is where I live.

Its parks, thanks to the higher temperatures, always present floral groups with very good presence.

Even the bushes that you can find in the street have an enviable appearance.

And these purple flowers with a smaller white flower in the center always caught my attention, and I don't know their name. I'm sure that someone knows it.

Year 2024, Córdoba

But the place that my mind always associates with flowers is Córdoba.

Walking through the streets of the urban center of Córdoba is like walking through a continuous garden.

In fact, every May, there is a courtyard contest where the locals open their perfectly manicured courtyards with lots of flowers.

Undoubtedly the most beautiful place one can visit in springtime in my beloved Spain.

Best regards.

Cover and separators created with https://www.canva.com (free version).

Photos taken with my Sony Alpha 6000L camera.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version).

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