Wedding to Family - The Photographers Journey


Some couples that we photograph become instant friends that we stay in contact with forever. With Chase and Taylor we had an immediate connection. From engagement, to wedding, to now with the start of their family...they will always be special to us.

Chase is a nurse. RN to be exact who is now a full time Mom while raising the new little one. Taylor is in residency to be an orthopedic surgeon and while he has 3 more years left, plus 1 year of a fellowship. He is well on his way to being a specialist soon.

From the start, they were simply beautiful people inside and out, but with photography & videography it's more than that which makes them something special. It's the interactions between them which makes them stunning to photograph. The way they look at each other, hold each other, and move. Chase with the stunning dark hair, a true sense of style, and a classic look rivaled by Grace Kelly & Audrey Hepburn. Taylor has rugged good looks, steely blue eyes, and a physique that is apparent his dedication to diet & the gym.

To say we feel fortunate to have had the opporunity to call them friends now is truly a gift. They will forever grace our socials and website for one simple reason. We love them :)

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