
Spring is a great season for photography. The freshest flowers, the buds bursting. I don't think anyone misses photographing a few flowers now. I have done the same and will do it again, I love flowers, and there are now so many, yet something calls me to something else.

I've missed spring, I've missed spring, but now that I'm in the midst of it when I can indulge in all its (visual) goodness, I seem to long for something else. My thoughts turn to the summer that hasn't started yet and to the winter not long gone.

All these thoughts and musings about the seasons were sparked by browsing through the past, i.e. older photos I recently revisited.

My appetite for summer, holidays, and the sea is now boiling inside me when I look at the photos taken on the Aegean island of Thassos.

Summer in Thassos

When I look at this photo I remember my first ferry crossing. The first time I stepped on an island.


I'd like to think the gull on the right noticed that I was shooting and rushed out of the frame to avoid ruining my photo. It didn't ruin it, that's my opinion.

Because they were nice gulls they got food, which they often took with the fingers of the giver.


Limenaria, the second largest town in Thassos, was the host where we stayed each time. A small town, some even call it a village. If I compare it to what a village means in my country, Romania, it is more than a village.

Limenaria is neither a village nor a modern resort. It is a mixture, a modest small town that seems more in the past than today. Old houses, old cars, old people... I think this photo characterizes it best.


Limenaria is just the way I like it. It's a small seaside town with many beaches, tavernas, and tourists in summer. It's a town where time seems to stand still.

I love it. There are no multi-story hotels in sight and no shopping malls. It's just a bay, a small harbor for fishermen's boats and houses that seem to climb on top of each other to see the sea.


Limenaria is often in my memories and dreams because it belongs to the group of what can be called: It happened for the first time!

Winter in Basilescu Park, Bucharest

From hot to cold in just a second, how quickly our thoughts and imagination take us. I tried to delete more photos, mostly because I used to take many identical and I don't have much memory either, and now I'm talking about computer memory. I found summer and winter photos in the same place and understand they want to be together.

Because I talked about: It happened for the first time!, I found some photos of the first snow in Bucharest that came early, unexpectedly. It was still autumn, a few years ago, in the pandemic.


The snow fell when no one was expecting it and the most surprised was my bamboo, which is always ravished by snow.


My wife loves winter and snow. When it starts snowing we take a little walk to the nearby park to admire "nature"! On this occasion, we note that not only bamboo has been taken by surprise by the arrival of winter.

Many went out for a bike ride...


This mom should have a sled by now.


Now it's a mixture of autumn and winter. My winter photographs of this park are all in black and white because there are no other colors. At the beginning of winter, there are still autumn colors, the leaves left in the trees. A little color is needed.


This is where the autumn-winter mix is best seen. It was a battle won by autumn after all. No more winters of yesteryear!


This was another attempt to bring a few, random and not-so-random photos, from the many waiting in my small archive. There are a few of my favorites. Some of these have been used in other posts since they were taken. I hope this is not a problem as long as they are mine, taken and kept by me.

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