It's So Much Beauty...

American Beauty, a movie that I really appreciated. There's a replica of the main character played by Kevin Spacey, "there's so much beauty in this world, " I'm not sure I remember the replica very well, but that's the point. It's very true! There is so much beauty, we just need to be open to see it.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Another statement that is true in my opinion, beauty is recognized and appreciated according to the sensitivity, culture, and mood of each, sometimes we are open, happy, and happy and we see beauty everywhere, even in the mud and sometimes we do not see it even if it hits us in the face.

One of the unanimously recognized beauties is the beauty of flowers. We must have serious problems if we ignore this beauty.

No matter how upset and unhappy you may be at some point, in front of a field full of sunflowers you can only capitulate, you can only forget everything and only admiration remains!


The name sunflower obviously comes from its resemblance to the sun. The center of the flower-like a round and incandescent sun and the petals like rays.


A flower that not only resembles the sun but is also dependent on the sun, a flower that follows the sun in the sky. The fields with the flowering sunflower and all the flowers that are oriented in the same direction, towards the sun, are absolutely impressive!



I am glad that in Eastern, Southeastern Europe where my country is located, the most used oil in the diet is sunflower oil. Because of this, our fields are full of sunflowers and when I go to the sea I pass through countless such fields that are located at the edge of the highway. Sometimes it's really dangerous because I'm no longer careful driving ...


These flowers ignited the imagination of painters and then photographers. Not coincidentally, one of the most admired and valuable paintings in the world is "Sunflower" by Van Gogh.


These flowers look golden! Especially in Van Gogh's painting. In reality, it's the same, golden colors.



The sunflower is also the summer flower. In the middle of summer is the moment of maximum flowering, because of this, I associate this wonderful flower with summer, vacation, and the trip to the sea. That is, with some of the most pleasant moments of life!




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