I Saw Something Invisible

I am lucky enough to have a piece of nature very close by. It's enough to get out of the house into my small yard, so small that I have to gather far more flowers than I can fit.

Every year I look forward to spring to see if the work in the garden, and the preparation from the previous autumn was well done.

In my youth, I started work in the garden at the beginning of spring by planting seedlings bought from the market or the botanical garden. With time I understood that it is much better to use perennials. It's also cheaper, because I don't have to buy seedlings every year, and it's also easier because I have to work less.

I think the most famous perennial flowers are roses.


There are more than 200 species of rose.


Almost without warning roses have become the dominant flower in the garden. Both because of their numbers and their beauty.


Moreover, the rose has something more than most flowers, its fragrance.




I'm looking forward to spring and May. Roses are the most beautiful when they first bloom, it happens most often in May.




Every morning I walk to the courtyard because of the roses.


A few days ago something special happened. While I was sitting quietly among the roses, I heard a strange sound, like a whistling.

I didn't have much time to lift my eyes to the sky and saw something like a rocket passing overhead. I knew what it was because I had learned that a special plane would be brought to a weapons exhibition.




F-35 Lightning II is a single-engine, multi-role, stealth technology, single-engine fighter designed for air superiority and assault missions. Its capabilities include aerial reconnaissance, strategic bombing, military surveillance, and electronic warfare.

Stealth technology means an aircraft undetectable by radar and called an invisible plane... so I can say I saw something invisible!

The plane flew by in a second and, of course, I didn't have time to photograph it. I knew it would pass again because my house is on the landing line of an airport, where the arms exhibition is set up.
I waited and managed, with difficulty, to catch a few images.

The presence of this aircraft, the world's most powerful military aircraft, brought some excitement and some concern that the world is heading into an uncertain and dangerous future.

Life goes on, the plane is long gone, and only the sound of engines can still be heard somewhere far away. It was like a ghost song.

But the roses are as real as can be. They've filled the garden with color and fragrance...




All photos are taken in my backyard, by me (of course!).

The most modern fighter plane and a few roses. It was an unexpected but not impossible combination, as I found out on this day in May.

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