New Year's Eve - A day before the END

But the story about the END needs a nice recap of the good times. And who knows maybe it is not the END END. Or maybe i will write it when the big steel ball and a bulldozer do what they plan to do.

But back to the party.
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There were 4 official local bands playing + some people from the crowd. 15-16 musicians on the stage through the night.

There was a funny comment by a guy that is not from here and maybe was here for the first time "damn, all the bartenders here play an instrument?"

I didn't visit a lot of small towns (4k people) but i can say there is a lot of talented people here.

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From the photography perspective, i did something that i think, for some reason, i never did here. Used the flash attached on the camera. And the light results are not that bad. Not bad as i was expecting.

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My overall feeling this year was as someone has stolen at least 2 months from 2022. So the feeling of New Year celebration and holidays season was not there for me. Maybe it is because we never got the winter temperatures and snow. Comment from Martin in the morning described the weather perfectly "it smells like morning on 1. of May" (anyone familiar with Serbia and 1. May will understand why).

But the party was really good.

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After the "official" part somewhere around 3AM we got a mix of musicians rotating on the stage for some 3+ hours.

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Most that had connection to this place (most of the people there) didn't really want to go home. We ended up closing it somewhere around 7:30/8AM.

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