Raw photos from my gallery I am a bit proud of 😊

My story with photography as a hobby starts back in elementary school. In fine art classes we went outside and had the task of taking pictures of whatever caught our attention, best as we can. I remember, we all carried those cute little phones back then. Mine was Sony Ericsson K750i and later Walkman W580i. A lot of good pictures they made, hihi. :D

I've always tried to be creative, and if there isn't a naturally interesting shot in the area that moment, I'll make it myself. So at one time, I cut out a heart from the middle of a leaf, and took a picture over the rough bark of a tree. It turned out phenomenal. Thanks to Sony Corporation, of course. :D

" " \"DSC_0043.NEF.jpg\""" ~ small scorpions are not very often seen here in Serbia, but there are some;

" " \"DSC_0059.NEF.jpg\""" ~ the crow taking from the bucket and pulling out a plastic bag from my freshly eaten breakfast;

" " \"DSC_0120.NEF.jpg\""" ~ purple lilac and the ravishing fragrance it emits;

" " \"DSC_0123.NEF.jpg\""" ~ dandelion in focus;

Growing up, for the next ten years from then, I had periods when I totally forgot that I love being a amateur photographer. So every time I went back to it, I was as amazed as if I was doing it for the first time and I found that I was quite good at it every time again and again... as we can say in our country: "Usta moja hvalite me." = "My mouth praises me".

A few years ago, my brother bought me a NIKON D3300 camera as a birthday present, best birthday present eveeeeeer. 💗

" " \"DSC_0296.NEF.jpg\""" ~ some decorative squash I filled with cherry tomatoes;

" " \"DSC_0307.NEF.jpg\""" ~ on that same table in the middle of our small Acacia forest;

" " \"DSC_0320.NEF.jpg\""" ~ grass that looks like wheat; Never sure what the real name is;

" " \"DSC_0322.NEF.jpg\""" ~ green bug imitates a chameleon;

Thanks everyone who takes the time to look at these photos and my meager descriptions.
Hope I'll get better at this blogging thing.
That's it for now. I wish everyone a nice day. <3

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