Madeiran Wall Lizards

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Madeiran Wall Lizard #1

A few years back we were lucky enough to visit the island of Madeira for our holidays. The airport at Madeira is something else; it's notorious for its crosswinds and short runway (have a look on YouTube at some of the landings). We made our way to the hotel and got settled in before going for a drink at the outside bar. We were sat next to a wall, and imagine our surprise when one of these little critters scuttled over our feet.

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Madeiran Wall Lizard #2

Over the course of our two week stay, I must have seen thousands of these speedy agile little reptiles. They are prolific, and seem to be relatively unconcerned with sharing their space with humans, skittering around or basking in the sun, even checking out the scraps some people dropped.

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Madeiran Wall Lizard #3

The Wall Lizard (Teira dugesii) is the only "native" reptile on Madeira - it was introduced around 150 - 200 years ago, a couple of species of Geckos and one snake have been introduced more recently to the habitat and appear to be thriving, without having a major impact on the "native" lizard species.

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Madeiran Wall Lizard #4

I have never seen so many lizards in one place and could have used up countless memory cards getting photographs, although trying to capture them when they are running was far beyond my capabilities. I tended to capture them when they were at rest, I hope you enjoy the images.

Madeiran Wall Lizard #4

About me:

I can mostly be found shooting models, aviation, motorsports and, when I can, wildlife. But I enjoy most aspects of photography. You can find more of my work on the links below.


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