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In The Studio With Holly

White suit, white hat

Other than fashion, one of my favourite styles to shoot is make up/creative make up, These shots of Holly were taken at another now sadly defunct studio. The make up took two hours to complete and I’m not altogether sure that these shots actually do it justice. Whether my love of make up shoots is a bit of a hangover from when I used to do portraits I don’t know. But faces can be so interesting whether made up or not.

Portrait of Holly

It intrigues me how good make up can radically alter a face. Some make up artists are truly just that - “artists” - some work I see is pure artistic genius. Its not just a case of slapping on colour, it's knowing the face type, knowing what colours will work, what styles will work and then skilfully applying it.

Eye contact

Creative make up takes it to the next level in my opinion (and body paint even more so). I just love very colourful, bright or stark make up. I think it adds such a lot to a portrait. Usually it can make an ordinary portrait a very stylised, fashion statement (if that doesn’t sound too pretentious).

A sense of style

Holly has wonderful skin, so very little editing required (always a photographer’s dream) so the make up style worked exceptionally well in my opinion. Looking forward to the next creative make up shoot with her in a couple of months.