The power of a seastorm

Hello to all!

These days are a little chaotic, but I love to spend a bit of time, at evening, describing my feeling here on Hive, with the help of my photographic archive.

Today I have bought a Nas (Network Attached Storage) by Synology, with 36 TB of capacity, so next days I will move all my archive on new hard-disk (more safe and with the great functionality to be accessible on web).

Here we are again in Chiavari. Maybe I feel some homesickness of my hometown, because of I was here in early january last time.

Lido di Chiavari, where Entella river flows into the sea, during a strong seastorms.
Many woods taken by river flow into the beach.

In background, Portofino mount.

My father came with me to sea this natural show.
There was still some winds, and saltiness in the air.
You can breathe the sea power... in the mouth, in the hair... Every where, like a flow of energy filling the lungs.

Big long tired waves near the harbor. Seastorm was finishing, but waves still were strong.

Seagulls were looking for food into this mess.

On seashore, a cemetery of woods.
I usually took the beautiful ones to make Christmas crib, now I took them to decorate the garden.

Some woods have energy printed in every trunk fiber, smooth as bone, and sometimes with strange and deep colors, like this one:

A lonely wood, like a fish frozen in the act to reach land...

... or like a bridge between our safe worlds and this dangerous angry sea.

This is a special place for me. I can charge my soul-battery, and imagination is free. These seastorms can damage things, but also they can make gift to us, changing internal and external landscape... Here Mankind can touch Nature.

Pictures taken with Nikon D800.

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