Merry Cemetery - Romania

Hello to all!

In 2021 I went to Săpânţa village, in north Romania, very close to the border with Ukraine. This village is famous for Merry Cemetery ('Cimitirul Vesel' in original language).

Each grave, with a decorated wooden cross, contains a funny epitaphs and colorful (specially blue) painting about the story of dead person.

There is a sort of melancholic cheerfulness, and the main purpose is to make a death a time of joy and a waiting for a better afterlife (Dacians culture).

Many people and tourists from all the country and from abroad:

Wonderful purple flowers everywhere!

In the middle, a church with bright frescoes inside:

It is a place also from children, where death loses its solemnity, and I felt only harmony and peace.

About cemetery, watch also my last post Sweet Death

Pictures taken with Nikon D800 (70-200 F4) and Sony Alpha 7iii (24-70 F2.8).


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