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19 fractions of a second - Pavullo nel Frignano hamlets

Hello to all!

Today I will show you the place where I'm living now: Pavullo nel Frignano, in north Italy. I will show a series of pictures of its nineteen hamlets.

The name 'Pavullo' takes its origin from the italian word 'paule', which means 'swamp', because of originally there was a marsh in this place.

Sorry because of I have already published three of four of these images, but I'd like to make a post with all hamlets together.

This is a rainbow 'inside' the monument placed on the main entrance of the city, located in Sant'Antonio hamlet:

I partecipate to a competition with these images, and this one has been selected by jury to promote local beauty, history and nature. This is Benedello:

Camatta in a spring day. This place looks like a town on Alps, with white cows, green meadows and flowering trees:

Castagneto in an autumnal day, with fog around its ancient tower and palace:

Coscogno looking like the shore of a sea of clouds:

Frassineti in a winter and snowy day. I waited snow falls from the tree to take the shot. This hamlet is the one were my grandmother got married, many years ago:

The ancient Gaiato tower, on the top of the hill, with trees appearing and disappearing in the white (Sea of clouds (4)):

Iddiano with its characteristic church:

Miceno is located on the top of a small hill. Here its tower bell appearing at sunrise, like a boat in a white ocean. I like to call some of these places 'sailing countries':

Main church in Montebonello, with the moon lying down between walls:

Montecuccolo castle, the castle which stands over the town, ancient residence of Montecuccoli family in 17th century (Montecuccolo castle)


Monzone surrounded by autumnal colors:

Niviano with a thunderstorm clouds in the background: clouds make building stand out:

Olina with its ancient and famous bridge over Scoltenna river. It has been built by Montecuccoli family in 1522, and it has been an important communication route between Emilia Romagna and Tuscany region.

The main town (Pavullo) like as island, in a foggy and winter day:

An autumnal view of Renno:

Sassoguidano natural parks, in may:

Finally, Semese castle, in Verica (Semese castle)

Pictures taken with Sony Alpha 7iii and Nikon D800.