New Athos: Night sea - visual history (22 photos)

I have heard that it is dangerous to walk in an unfamiliar place at night. May be so. But when you have only a few days in a beautiful unfamiliar place ... you want to see him not only during the day. We were sorry for the time spent sleeping.

Yes, it's crazy, but we walked at night and swam in the sea along the moonlit path. Everything looks different at night. Especially if you don't know the area very well. Of course, we did not go to the mountains. It's too dark there and you still won't see anything. The city itself and the sea are another matter.

We were lucky and our stay in New Athos coincided with the full moon. There is no street lighting on the sea, but when the full moon is shining in the clear sky, you can even take a picture of something. Unfortunately, I didn't have a tripod at that time. Now I take it on every trip. But then...

However, some shots turned out quite clearly. And those that are a little blurry ... they have their own mystery. This time I want to show you the night sea and a little coastline. We will visit the night city later. I will not disturb you with my chatter while watching. Just plunge into the warm southern night.


And the last thing. So that you can better feel the difference between warmth and cold, I will plunge you into a snowy winter. I took this photo this afternoon.


Refreshed? And now to the shore of the Black Sea.





















I hope I managed to convey the spirit of this place. I think that every person should at least once in his life swim in the sea at night with a full moon. I cannot convey in words those feelings. If you are a visual, you could understand them from the photographs.

CameraSony A57
LensSony 16-105
Post-productionin LR

Manual processing in Lightroom

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright

From Russia with Love



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