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Paintings that they gave me after a day of work

Hello friends, today I want to present to you a painting that was given to me while I was working in a factory and I will tell you the story. While we were cleaning, the owner of the factory showed me some paintings that I should throw away and throw into the fire since they were trash for him.

So I asked him to give me those paintings so I could decorate my workspace.

These paintings belong to a Venezuelan painter called Caraballo. I have a total of two paintings by him and I have them hanging with great pride in my place. Art, whatever it is, is the best expression of beauty itself.

Thank you so much


Hola amigos hoy quiero presentarles un cuadro que me regalaron mientras estaba trabajando en una fábrica y le contaré la historia el dueño de la fábrica mientras estábamos haciendo la limpieza me mostró unos cuadros que debía desechar tirarlos al fuego ya que eran basura para él.

Entonces le pedí que me regalara esos cuadros para poder adornar mi espacio de trabajo.

Estos cuadros pertenecen a un pintor venezolano llamado Caraballo poseo en total dos cuadros de él y los tengo guindados con mucho orgullo en mi local el arte sea como sea es la mejor expresión de la belleza misma.

Muchas gracias