Love in nature.


Paths and trails among greens of various shades.

Everything is green, bright and full of life, green that resurfaces everywhere I look.

Nature always makes its way, usually with the color green.
Green has always been associated with hope, but it also means health.

It must be because in nature you can find health in every sense. Even today's medicines have their basis in nature, in medicinal plants.

It is true that natural methods are slower, but they are better, without chemicals.

But this meaning does not only refer to the physical but also to the health of the mind.




Among so much green and so much health, in a walk full of life and pure air I found a wonderful tree.

This tree was not green but pink, also in different shades.

Pink means love, and who better to express love than nature, it is the first to give it to us and to spread it.

Human beings don't see that, they only see a flower. But this tree caught me, it attracted me and when I approached it I could admire the beauty.

A beauty that came not only from the shape of the flowers, as if they were lilies, but the particularity of that pink.




Among the bright green was that pink, love within health, as if that tree was telling me that the source of health is love.

That very thing was what inspired me as I saw and looked at each petal, each pistil, each speck of color in the softness of its petals.

The gentle gradient from deep pink to almost fading to white.

The perfection of the natural and its meaning always amazes me. Nature amazes me.

The petals seemed to draw waves that carried that color everywhere and wanted to speak and give a message to whoever passed by.

The contrast of the pink in different shades with the green doing the same, plus the brightness of the sun that was filtering through the leaves of the same tree, generated a perfect composition.




That day that pink green tree was my great model, it posed for me many, many times and these I think are the most decent shots, as there was some wind and they made it dance.

Or maybe it was happy that someone noticed it and wanted to portray it in different poses and it carried the message of health in love and love in and to nature.

Those wonderful flowers looking at them again inspire this text I bring to you.

Nature is the greatest and best artist of all and today she brings us this wonderful colorful litmus with such a deep meaning.

Let us know how to see nature, she has a lot to say.

Best regards to all and see you next time.

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All photographs are my own, taken with my phone
Separators created by me in Photoshop
Used translator free version

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