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MAAANGO! PARA EL MAL GENIO 🥭😆 , mango for the bad temper [spa-ingl]

"MAAAAANGO, MAAANGO, PARA EL MAL GENIO" , escuche al llegar a la estación de brujita de San Cipriano.

Eran estos dos niños, quienes un momento después me ofrecieron personalmente: "señor, mango a 2000"
Yo les miré y sonriendo les dije que no tenia mal genio, a los que ellos respondieron con una risa; era el momento perfecto para hacer una fotos, asi que tomé mi cámara rápidamente pero cuando apunté ya era demasiado tardé, se estaban tapando la cara, no querian fotos, asi que les pedi perdón por haberlo hecho sin su permiso, seguido a esto le pregunté si eran hermanos, el dijo "no", les pregunté: "¿novios?" , ella se puso seria y dijo "no hay tiempo para novios, hay que estudiar y trabajar" .
El ambiente cambió despues de esto, callamos unos segundos, donde solo cruzamos miradas, rompí el silencio y le dije , "denme pues un mango, pero que no sea para el mal genio por que ahora me siento contento", ellos rieron nuevamente, le agregaron sal y limón a la bolsa con rebanadas de mango y me la entregaron, les pasé el billete y esta vez amablemente les pedi que me dejarán guardar ese momento en mi cámara, y asi fue, aceptaron; nos despedimos con una sonrisa en el rostro y cada quien siguió su camino.

"MAAAAANGO, MAAAANGO, FOR THE BAD GENIUS", listen when you arrive at the San Cipriano witch station.

It was these two children, who a moment later offered me personally: "sir, handle 2000"
I looked at them and, smiling, told them that I didn't have a bad temper, to which they responded with a laugh; It was the perfect moment to take a picture, so I quickly took my camera but when I aimed it was already too late, they were covering their faces, they didn't want pictures, so I apologized for doing it without their permission, followed by this I asked him if they were brothers, he said "no", I asked them: "boyfriends?" , she became serious and said "there is no time for boyfriends, you have to study and work" .
The atmosphere changed after this, we were silent for a few seconds, where we only exchanged glances, I broke the silence and told him, "give me a mango, but don't let it be bad temper because now I feel happy", they laughed again, they added salt and lemon to the bag with mango slices and handed it to me, I passed them the ticket and this time I kindly asked them to let me save that moment in my camera, and that was it, they accepted; We said goodbye with a smile on our faces and everyone went their own way

Con la situación que actualmente atravesamos me pongo a pensar
En cómo estarán pasando estos días personas como ellos dos, personas más vulnerables, que deben salir a la calle todos los dias para conseguirse el sustento y poder llevar un granito de arroz a sus casas.

With the situation we are currently going through, I start to think
In how people like the two of them will be spending these days, more vulnerable people, who must go out every day to earn a living and be able to take a grain of rice home

📷✍Autoría; Cesar lopez @august4x

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