how far to go to hometown

20211007_101130.jpghi hive friends, before I write this article, let me first explain a little bit more about the story about my hometown area, the road to where I live is a road leading to the house of the former king of the past. The king of Aceh in the past was a descendant of the world's scholars, he was named Sultan Iskandar Muda, Iskandar Muda's father was a native descendant from the holy land of Mecca who came from prophetic descent.Iskandar Muda also has a mother who is a descendant of the ulama. Iskandar's grandfather, his mother, was a scholar who resembled a white elephant. Iskandar Muda's father and mother's marriage came from a very terrible and sad incident.. based on the story of the aceh cleric, Iskandar Muda's mother always came out in the afternoon to carry out orders from his parents who were led to study religion.
20211007_101135.jpgwhen his mother went out to study religion he transformed into a noble and wise white elephant. his father came who was surprised to see a very beautiful elephant, because of deep curiosity his father who wanted to prove who the beautiful white elephant really was,then father's song took a piece of old bamboo that had been crushed at the end so he stabbed the elephant's leg, that effort very satisfied with his father's heart because the beautiful elephant leg hit the target he wanted.
20211007_101142.jpgThen the grandfather of Iskandar Muda's mother invited expert healers from various corners to treat his child whose foot pain was caused by a sharp bamboo stick specially made by Iskandar Muda's father.from various parts of the healers came, his mother took care of him and did not get well, so his grandfather also made a competition and gave a very large gift, there was not a single healer who could heal his beloved daughter. Then the news reached the ears of young Iskandar's father and immediately came to the place of the contest. .Iskandar Muda's father immediately asked if I could cure my son, what reward would I receive then the father of Iskandar Muda's mother replied if he was a woman I would make my daughter's brother, if he was a Muslim man I would be his husband,then young iskandar's father began to treat the wound because he knew the origin of the disease so he cleaned the wound and then pulled the bamboo skin that was left when it was stabbed at that time,With Allah's permission the wound was healed. because the wound was gone, the young Iskandar grandfather's agreement was fulfilled, then the cleric's son was married to a young man who treated his daughter.After young Iskandar grew up, a group of elephants came and brought young Iskandar to Koeta Raja, namely the city of Banda Aceh and raised young Iskandar to be a pious and wise king.the young king of aceh proposed to a wife from the country of Pahang Malaysia, that's where my hometown was named Samakurok village which means a gathering place for scholars and Meurah Mulia sub-district which means noble elephant, the capital of the district is Reungka Gajah which means elephant's face or face and Aceh has an army headquarters named Kodam Iskandar Muda which is symbolized by the face of a white elephant.

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