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Strange noise up in the air

Good evening my dear friends.. What a wonderful day today..

Today around 13h.. I was finishing lunch when I heard something squeaking outside..

I ran out to see what it was.. Usually we have lots of cats and some of them are great hunting cats.. Lots of times I saved birds from them.. But this time it wasn't that kind of noise.. I noticed up in the air big seagull mother and a younger one. It usually has brown stripes over his feathers..

I ran inside and took my camera to take few shots...

He was really hard to catch.. They flew away. But in the distance I could hear same noise.. So I went outside to take a walk to see where did they land...

After few hundred meters I noticed them on neighbours house.. They looked like they were talking.. Amazing animals indeed..

Adults in breeding plumage have a grey back and upper wings and white head and underparts. The wingtips are black with white spots known as "mirrors". The bill is yellow with a red spot and a ring of bare yellow skin is seen around the pale eye. The legs are normally pink at all ages, but can be yellowish, particularly in the Baltic population,Non-breeding adults have brown streaks on their heads and necks. Male and female plumage are identical at all stages of development, but adult males are often larger. source

Later on few rooks were on my trampolin, looking at me like they wanted me to take pics of them.. As I approached all of them flew out but only one stayed looking down at me... I know it was time for their food but first pictures πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

The rook (Corvus frugilegus) is a member of the family Corvidae in the passerine order of birds. It is found in the Palearctic, its range extending from Scandinavia and western Europe to eastern Siberia. It is a large, gregarious, black-feathered bird, distinguished from similar species by the whitish featherless area on the face. Rooks nest collectively in the tops of tall trees, often close to farms or villages, the groups of nests being known as rookeries source

How strange they look when they blink with their eye πŸ€”πŸ™ˆ
Plains were passing by, few of them all of them are in direction for America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ˜

Between the tree branches I noticed small chimney and I took picture in black and white

So as you can suppose I did few edits of rook in black and white..

Neighbours chair

I'm in love in that design 😍 amazing how it looks in b&w
Here is link for preset on lightroom for B&W edit if you like it.

How was your day 😊 mine was πŸ‘Œ