Perfect day for Macro photography

Hello my dear hive friends..

For few weeks in Ireland we had so much sun that I can't believe.. In last 6 years it wasn't that much sun like this year..

This was and it is still amazing opportunity for

Macro photography

Here are few clicks from this month

first image I have take yesterday, I have combined 3 different focus points and stacked them in single shot. FLY wasn't alive unfortunately

These tree images I took this morning.. Hover fly landed on the wire that is attached to my apple tree 🥰

Last few clicks were taken before few days ago before we had little bit of rain...

This is meadow spittlebug.. I think this one is most amazing capture that I took.. This is tiny baby

Next is weevil.. They were super tiny.. Around 4mm


And super cute little bee hiding in the grass.

So what do you think..

Aren't they really catch of the month..

Enjoy your day

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