Autumn vibes x2 unedited images

Hello hello everyone.. What an amazing time of year.. I'm not that much a rain person but autumn days are my favourite ones..

Lots of moody clouds, beautiful and colourful leafs... Small sleepy insects

Before 2 days ago I brought my camera with me while While I was keeping company to my son to school..

Near his school its small entrance and long footpath all the way to the old metal bridge where I usually take pics of lovely river and mountain.. Here are some clicks that I took that day on that small footpath

Small red leaf against the sky

Beautiful little Robin singing on the branch

I spotted beautiful moon between the branches... Amazing how he looked

Two lovely bird houses 😍🐦

Little bit further is field full of cows, they look like they are cuddling 😍

I got a phone call from my friend, she waned to drink coffee with me.. So I headed back home.. On the way back I spotted one lovley chaffinch

I love black and white edits so here they are..

Some lovely sparrows

This post wouldn't be interesting without more moon and pline pictures 😂 ofc That was main subject that day 😂

In the morning he looked so huge. I love how it looks..

.. So that day I went out for nice walk to shoot some cute autumn colors but it turned out that I took more pictures of the moon. But.. Everything around smelled like in the fall.

I hope you enjoyed in those pictures. These ones were unedited pictures except black and white chaffinch images.. What do you think how they look without edit.. Il post soon edits to see the difference..

Enjoy your day my friends its time to relax..

Love you all!

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