Tape Singkong (Fermented Cassava)


With Step by Step Plating Tutorial

Warm-up body with little snacks. Named "Tape Singkong (Fermented Cassava)".

Another variation of this type of fermented foods uses sticky rice/glutinous rice.

"Tape Singkong (Fermented Cassava)" is made by sprinkling rice yeast on boiled cassava.

Sprinkle rice yeast on boiled cassava that has been cooled. Then put it in a dark place for about 4 days.


"Tape Singkong (Fermented Cassava)" can be enjoyed without any mixture, or mixed into desserts, and even used as an ingredient in traditional desserts.

Plating process

I serve "Tape Singkong (Fermented Cassava)" with sweetened condensed milk as garnishes.

I form sweetened condensed milk with stratified random patterns.

After successfully shaping the sweetened condensed milk into special patterns, I carefully placed the Fermented Cassavas.

Added Details

I added the shapes of the flowers using dates.


To form flowers, I carefully sliced ​​the dates open like flower petals and then removed the seeds.


After forming the flowers from the dates, then I arranged them on the plate.

I also added little details with condensed milk forming dots that follow the flowers.

About Taste

"Tape Singkong (Fermented Cassavas)" has a sweet taste, sometimes sour too, but feels strong in the throat. The after taste is warm on the body.


There is "Tape Singkong (Fermented Cassava)" which tends to fail which has a sour taste. The failure of making "Fermented Cassava" usually occurs due to poor quality yeast rice, and storage process for fermentation in a place that is less dark and the temperature is not right.


Have you ever eaten fermented foods like these "Tape Singkong (Fermented Cassava)"? Maybe in your area, you have the same dish as this traditional Indonesian food.


  • Camera: Iphone 11
  • Background: Tosca Solid Walpaper
  • Flowers: Nephrolepis (Pakis Kelabang in Indonesian) and Alternanthera ficoidea (Krokot Merah in Indonesian).

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Have a yummy day!


Anggrek Lestari.

Anggrek Lestari.jpg

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