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Potato Donuts and Seaweed Dessert


Every weekend, my nieces and nephews have more time at my house to play with my mother. They asked me to buy donuts and seaweed desserts.

My three nephews kept begging me. I tried my best, because I know, donut sellers in my city are very rare.

I tried my best, then luckily, I found potato donuts and seaweed desserts. So I'm sharing food photography while I prepare those sweet treats for my nieces and nephews.

I used a cheerful Tosca and pink background. The donuts also look cheerful. So I wanted to make the colors there stand out even more for a happy vibe.

I used natural light and let the shadows from the windows fit into the frames.

Enjoy my food photography!

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.

All Images Were Taken With iPhone 11.

Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari

Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.
Make sure you follow her blog as well for some interesting discussions about life other than food.
If you need a copywriter for your projects, Anggrek Lestari will be ready to help you.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009