
Hello friends.

I'm not a wizard or a magician, I'm just learning to be one.

I've been wanting to find acorns for a long time. But for some reason it didn't work out.
In our area, oak does not grow in the wild. I have seen oaks in more southern areas, but it was usually at the beginning of summer when I went there with a friend to fish in his homeland. My friend has been gone for a long time, I hope he is in paradise now.
And recently, quite by chance, I found acorns.

To be more precise, my boss found the acorns. He found an oak tree near his house and collected a large jar of acorns. He told me that he wanted to plant them in a grove not far from the house where he lives. He wants to rest in an oak grove when the trees grow. And maybe even collect mushrooms there.
I said that I would also like to find acorns, but not for planting. Then he told me that an oak tree was growing literally next to our office. And there are acorns under it.

I didn't even believe my boss at first. But I decided to take a walk along the road. And indeed, the oak stands next to the road. Why haven't I seen him before? After all, I sometimes walk this way.There were acorns under the oak tree. I was looking for acorns with hats, but there were few of them.

An idiot's dream has come true. And what to do with them now? I did a photo shoot.
Or maybe I'll plant them in the ground too. Let the oaks grow in the park. Maybe they will please someone further with their acorns.

It seems to me that one acorn is already ready to release its roots, its shell has cracked.
The boss told me today that yesterday he went to the forest near the house and planted all the acorns. It's done. I thought it was better to plant in the spring. But then I will also plant these acorns in the fall.


It is said that the oak puts the root right deep into the ground. You can try to plant a few acorns at home in a jar. But if the root really goes down deep into the ground, it means I need to use a container so that the root can grow down.


That's what I thought - I need to find some kind of transparent container, and also plant an acorn so that it can be seen. And record his condition with a camera every day. If the root really appears. and then there are also green leaves, then something interesting will turn out.

Точно! Надо взять прозрачную банку из-вод воды. Ёмкость имеет объем 5 литров. и еще там можно сделать отверстия, чтобы в землю поступал воздух.
Я думаю, что потом покажу результат, если что-то получится.

I give 5% of the reward to @archon, and he thanks me for it. Do you do it?
I give 5% of the reward to @hive-166168, and he thanks me for it. Do you do it?

I wish everyone happiness for life and good luck for every day.

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