Guava and Flowers

Greetings photography friends...

This time I tried to photograph water guava with a bit of luxury style. When I saw a guava like this I immediately tried various good ideas but the equipment was really lacking for me to take objects, but thanks to hard work I managed to also take pictures like this with my favorite smartphone. If my drawing has any flaws, please enlighten me because I'm still in the learning stage to this day. Here's a picture

Guava water has many benefits for the health of the body, as already mentioned in one of the sources that I found on a news site about health.

  1. Reducing Cell Damage Due to Free Radicals
  2. Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke
  3. Lowering Cholesterol Levels
  4. Increase body metabolism
  5. Reducing the Risk of Diabetes

If you want to know more please click here

And then I saw a flower that was blooming so beautifully, so I decided to take some shots of this flower. Almost on average people around the world really like flowers, even in every house they can be found in the yard, flowers are one of the coloring materials for the home page and even in it.

These pictures remember the peace that always comes to my soul, I hope you will be happy to see this picture. Thank You

Hek Tamita Peng, Bui Paleh

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