Continue to Love Animals. Then the Sensation of Life is More Meaningful

The forest is a place for creatures that rarely adapt to humans, so what you need to know, today I entered the forest again to look for some animals, but it was very difficult to find some unique animals. However, I got some animals that I rarely see, these seem to be spiders that are almost the same as the type in general, but this is a little different from the others.

I think this is a unique or rare type of spider, because it has a very good color, red and blue the color and green, the color of the brave. And here I will show you a star spider, it seems appropriate for me to call it a star spider because it has a posture that stands out like a star.

This is a hobby that I do all the time, it seems I still need knowledge in the field of photography, because seeing every photo shoot isn't perfect yet. I spent almost a few hours in shooting because the spider couldn't stay still, on and on, making my patience almost run out. But with a fighting spirit, I was able to produce a few shots. It turns out that I'm very tired in macro photography, because there are no tame animals, that's where I can make a long time. It really requires intelligence and patience in this macro field.

But if the object is not moving, it is very easy to get focus. It's one of the snail eggs, which looks very fluffy and filling, but unfortunately it can't be consumed, let alone duck man can not even. However, it looks very beautiful.

Hopefully with this you can satisfy all your hearts and desires. Thank you, may God always love us all.


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