Sunset on the lake in late May

On our doorstep

We're pretty lucky to have a lake right around the corner from the house here in Galway. I have to walk down there with the dogs in the morning and also in the evening. So sometimes depending on the time the year, I can see sunrises and sunsets on the lake which is a sight to behold. The following series of photos are a few photos from a recent sunset, while out walking my much loved dogs Coco and Loco.










Here are a few photos of my beautiful dogs. It's not fair to mention Coco and loco without sharing a few photos with you guys, so here you go.





I'll leave you this photo of our quiet country road beside my house which is where I walk the dogs every day. No matter what time of year, it's always beautiful, with different colors for each season apparent and the lovely smell of the countryside hanging freshly in the air.


The photos used are all my own captured on my trusty Samsung smart phone

Thanks a million for stopping by

Peace out.

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