Transportation within the city


Becak is one of the means of transportation in the city of Lhokseumawe - Aceh, this transportation is very easy to find on the streets anywhere in the city of Lhokseumawe, usually just waiting for a while on the side of the road and the pedicab that we want will pass in front of us.


In addition to passing on the streets, rickshaws also have a special place to hang out, usually in crowded places such as markets, hospitals, terminals and other crowded places. In this place, pedicabs are usually queued in order and we just have to ride at the front.

The cost varies between Rp. 5,000,. up to Rp. 15.000,- one way regardless of the load, the standard load for 2 (persons) even in certain circumstances the load can be more like school children usually the load is more than 2 (two) person.


Pedicabs are also often used by parents for their services to take their children to school and the payment is calculated in one month, as for the rate for 1 (one) month the price varies depending on the distance between pick-up and drop-off to school, usually between Rp. 200,000, - up to Rp. 500,000 for each school child to pick up and drop off.


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