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Trash, endless problems

​How are you all? I hope today is a happy day for all of us, amen .
OK, when I was at the rubbish dump, the atmosphere here was very uncomfortable, a very strong smell filled the air,Not to mention the very unpleasant sights everywhere,😤😤..Wild animals come looking for rotting food scraps, sometimes they even swallow plastic, yes, plastic, my friends😱

. At first it looks like trash scattered around us, but this trash has a big impact. Garbage that is left to pile up will produce an unpleasant odor, which will pollute the air, which will later cause diseases such as vomiting and dengue fever.Apart from that, waste can also cause disasters such as floods and landslides. Garbage that is continuously thrown into the river will make it difficult for the river water to flow, , and over time the river water overflowed. If it floods, of course it will make it difficult for us to carry out activities and work. Apart from that, very large floods can cause landslides.There are many impacts that can be felt if we always throw away rubbish. For this reason, we as social creatures who want prosperity, let's work together to protect the environment.Starting from the smallest thing, namely throwing away rubbish in its place. Organic waste can be processed into fertilizer or compost for plants and inorganic waste can be reprocessed into goods that have a very high selling value.








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