A minimalistic lifestyle and one million dollars?

If I won a million dollars, would it contribute to a minimalist life? Or would I simply fill up the perceived gaps of this materialistic existence with stuff?
That's the question I got from @riverflows and when @riverflows asks I response:)
I absolutely agree with everything she says and I am not sure what more I can add.

Minimalism is a mindset and it doesn't have to do with money. For me minimalism means simplicity, having all that you need and wanting all that you have.
Not only in material life, but also in mind. Clear mind, beauty around and gratitude.

Well, experience has shown that money help to all the above.

But the questions that come up to my mind are do I really need something more and am I happy with what I already have?

Simplicity. Photo by @fotostef.

Having enough money can give you the time needed to do all you love. Of course, that's an option that you have to choose. Not all wealthy people live a life of real abundance and calmness. And not all lifestyles require a lot of money.
It's not easy to accept the fact that money is essential in this capitalist society and I still try to stop feeling guilty about the simple fact that I need to have some money.

A sage coming out of a stone-built bench with some leaves on it. I see it every days in the dog walk. Is it a minimalist trying to survive in this overwhelming world?

Having too much material around can make you loose your focus.
As well as too many thoughts, too much information, too much analysis can lead to paralysis. What's the meaning of life if not to live it?

My answer to the question of this contest is pretty clear, I will gladly take the money and I will keep the minimalistic lifestyle that I have already consciously adopted and pretty much enjoy it, but without the everyday stress of money.

It sounds like an easy decision to make but honestly it needs some hard work to get there, especially mental work. It is not easy to let yourself be happy with what you have, to keep a quiet mind and be able to live the moment. It is like unlearning what school and society have tried to teach you as important all these years. Once you do it, there is no way back I guess. I will let you know if I ever get in that state :)

Photo by @fotostef.

One million dollars! I would buy some land and plant anything that comes in my mind. An experimental garden, my paradise. I think that's all! Being able to live without worries about money and it would be great to be able to support others. Prices in the area I am interested in are luckily quite low when you have a million dollars in your pocket, so I would have a lot of spare money. I wouldn't say no to some travel, too...

Not getting the money? I am pretty happy with my not so perfect life. Anyway, I believe in imperect minimalism :)

A view of our region. Photo by @fotostef.

This my entry to the Minimalistic Lifestyle contest by @millycf1976 and The Minimalist community.

@samsmith1971 and @blingit would you be interested in taking part in this contest? Please do it only as long as it feels fun! And sorry for the short notice!

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