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Welcome to our #KISS initiative that gives you blogging ideas revolving around the Minimalist Lifestyle.

Feel free to present your blog in a format of your choice, however, please refrain from presenting as if you are answering a questionnaire, as it's more valuable to read personal experiences and life stories, instead of formulae ideas that can be found all over the web.

Please follow the guidelines, be creative, have fun sharing your knowledge and experiences with us, and make your blog as personable as you can:)

For translation purposes:

Would you rather buy a cheaper item and minimize cost, or purchase a more expensive one and minimize the risk of needing a replacement? We’d love to see a purchase that went through this weighing of merits!

Rules AI-unfriendly community Please post in English only (as less is more) Please comment in English Original Content Only Plagiarism NOT Tolerated No Cross-Post; Such posts will be muted Cite all relevant sources f-2.jpg

Image belongs to millycf1976

lips sealed
speaking lips

3 columns
2 columns
1 column