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Simple Feel-Good Moments in Nature


Each year, my need to play more, move more, and be in nature, increases, so I feel charmed to live fully immersed in nature by the canals.
This alternative lifestyle lessens my urge to keep up-to-date with social media and other mainstream vices, as my natural environment keeps me grounded and more conscious of how my actions or lack of them affect my overall well-being, and others around me.

I do believe that the environment that one lives in influences the way one behaves, and when I'm in nature, I am constantly observing the movements of the trees, the water, and the wildlife around me. This empowers me, as I'm constantly reminded to slow down, breathe, and be flexible in my approach to situations, just as the trees and wildlife withstand the natural elements such as rain, wind, and other weather adversities.

@millycf1976-45.jpg"I want to work and to play in nature so that I don't have to differentiate the two."

My 5 Animal Qigong movement complements my environment and vice versa, and in the photo above, I'm doing to stretch across mimicking the movement of a snake. God forbid if I should ever see a real snake though, as I have a morbid phobia for snakes.
Still, the movements that I do help to bring balance and harmonise my internal organs, and the stretches of the snake in particular, are linked to reducing negative emotions of worry and anxiety.
Here in the UK there's the National Health Service (NHS), however, the benefits that I feel from being in nature, make me regard Nature as my 'natural health source; my natural medicine.


Being in nature makes me feel a certain level of abundance, that makes me want to accumulate less tangible items. Therefore, it's easier for me to be creative and use my resources and space in multi-functional ways.


I had set up an outdoor office and while working, I took moments to feel and appreciate the natural ambient temperature, as I reflected on days when I was forced to work in a centralised air conditioning office. The temperature was never right, the atmosphere was sometimes toxic, and I'd be forced to spend most of my hours there, before leaving for home, feeling depleted.
Now, the fresh air that I breathe energises and refreshes me and stimulates my creativity.


I feel endowed by nature when I'm living simply, doing all things that make me feel at ease with myself. This lifestyle has given me a mental shift that makes me feel naturally good every day, and that's an achievement for me because my well-being is my number one priority.


Quick and easy meals are a huge part of my minimalist lifestyle, and I especially look forward to having rustic barbecues with hubby, after a long day cruising; just us two, and the beautiful sunset.


Spending my days amongst all these natural elements; wood, earth, water, fire, air, and space and making the most of them to my advantage without causing harm, is fulfilling beyond words.

What are your thoughts on this minimalist lifestyle, do you think it's a way of life that you could get used to?

This is a response to the KISS Prompt. I'd be delighted to hear about your daily minimalist activities that help to improve your well-being:)

What rocks my boat
“Nature, the outdoors, art, and culture are all essential to my well-being; my soul is nurtured through fitness, photography, meditation, and mindfulness, all of which bring enjoyment to my daily life.
I see environmental stewardship as my responsibility and enjoy using herbs and spices for cooking and also for natural remedies. Cinnamon is one of my favourite spices, and I occasionally sprinkle it on my coffee.

My blog frequently features my minimalist lifestyle and adventures while living on my narrowboat.”

Irie love,


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