Waiting times are for great purpose.

Graduating from the University is the biggest thing in my life at the moment and it all started five years ago. After two years passed without gaining admission to the University, I became worried. I started feeling scared because I have heard stories of how brilliant students didn't make it to the university for reasons beyond their capacity.

The same year I finished secondary school, I didn't meet the cut off mark and there was no money to process my admission in the second year.

Is this my fate or am I just being unlucky? I asked myself this question severally and wouldn't stop praying to God to see me through.

I have lots of dreams and I held them tightly. The first of them is becoming a graduate and with my results, I can get the job of my dreams, earn lots of money, set-up a business and start using my profit to fulfill other dreams.

With what's above, you will understand the importance of what going to a higher institution will mean to me.

I didn't waste the years I spent at home and I kept a close tab on my dreams. I never allowed negative thoughts to steal my dreams and I always remember the saying that if you can dream it, you can make it happen.

My dreams are simple so why can't I make them happen, I inspired myself and my next attempt was successful.

I got into the university and things were going on smoothly until my dad fell sick. I thought it was a slight illness until I visited home for the holidays, I was shocked to see him in that condition.

After waiting at home for two years before gaining admission, covid 19 came and wasted some time, and now, Dad is sick. I was devastated because of my education, every money the family make was going to his health and dare not come up with school fees or textbooks issues.

I supported the family the best way I could and when school resumed, I returned with nothing.

When I got to school, I began thinking of how to survive. I knew the dirty ways which other students ply to survive but I wasn't in for that and it was then I realized that the two years I used at home was for a purpose.

The skill I acquired for two years came to my rescue, it didn't give me much but I had enough to survive on coupled with the little my mom gave me. Dad finally got better and things returned to normal, my earning from baking became an extra for me.

I faced several other challenges but I didn't let go my dream to become a graduate and in the end, I was able to fulfill it.

The lessons life taught me.

  • Life taught me never to give up on my dreams no matter what comes my way. Challenges may rise but I can overcome if I am determined to do so.

  • I learned that good things don't happen easily and for every great thing we dream of, we must work hard towards it.

  • l learned that every waiting period in life is an opportunity for me to improve myself, life wanted to prepare me for what's ahead and if I hadn't learn a skill while waiting, surviving alone in school when my daddy was ill would have been impossible

  • I learned that I am strong and capable of influencing my life positively.

To anyone have a delay with something in life, I will advise that you hold your ground strongly and keep pushing. The delay you are experiencing is just a time to develop and prepare yourself for the challenges that might be ahead when you get on the track that will lead you to your dreams.

Don't give and always put your dreams as priority, it will keep in alert to take any opportunity that come your way.

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