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Living Intentionally || Post Idea For Week 1

We live in a time where everything is fast-paced, no time to slow down. Fast food, fast services, fast internet (although I can't settle for slow internet) etc. Impatience has become the order of the day. Slowing down is considered a waste of time and time is valuable. Once lost it can't be recovered.

This was my mindset some few years back, the goal to work faster and want to achieve so many things within a short time. It means I burned the candle at both ends. I saw it as making good use of my time. Inevitably, my health paid for it.

I came across this post idea for week 1 and decided to share my bit on option 2 because it's a lifestyle I'm growing into.

Option 2: How slow living saved you from burnout and what it took for you to realise that going at a slow pace and taking time out was not being lazy. How achieving goals is possible even during slow living.

My discovery of slow living came through some deep reflection and awareness. At the time, I did not know it is a way of life that is slowly gaining popularity around the world. I just needed a way not to burn out, a way to enjoy life and not allow stress to take me out.

A lengthy discussion ensued with a colleague who lamented about how callous and uncaring some bosses can be. He related that a staff member died and the next day, a vacancy ad was released to fill up the position. This means with or without me, life goes on. The management of my workplace will not wait for me before they can pursue their goals —making money.

It dawned on me that I have to save myself first so I can be available for my family and work. I also realised working should not come at the cost of my life.

Life is meant to be lived, to be enjoyed and to achieve this, I needed balance. A time to work at a good pace (not necessarily speed) that gets things done effectively and a time to rest and enjoy life. The money I earn should be spent towards getting me a comfortable lifestyle, not luxury.

Nothing in life is a do-or-die affair! I see people hustling and some have earned the money at the detriment of their health and family but they still continue until it's too late. I wonder, why not balance things up? Take time to relax, go on vacation, spend quality time with family, friends and refresh.

I pay special attention to my diet, ensuring I eat healthy meals rather than whatever my taste bud wants or what is popular. This means less junk, no soda and no alcohol, except when I attend a party or something. I invested in different varieties of tea because I love them and coffee too.

Slow living is about intentionally slowing down and doing things at the right speed, enjoying the process, living in self awareness and making conscious decisions that appreciate your well-being. This has been my lifestyle for a while and it's one of my best decisions so far.

This means I value quality over quantity. I live consciously and make time for reflections and self awareness.

How Can A Person Achieve Goals In Slow Living?

To achieve my goals, I try to prioritize what's important to me and aim for a great outcome. This becomes possible when I do them properly regardless of the time it takes to get it done.

Particularly when it comes to the use of the internet, I don't allow it to rule me. There are days I shut down my phone and go offline for hours for some quality me-time. Technology is a tool and should serve us, not the other way around.

I am growing into this simple way of living and know it will come with changes as time goes on. I hope to keep living intentionally.

Slow living is being intentional about life, valuing things that others would wave aside.

Thank you for visiting my blog. This is my entry to The Minimalist Post Ideas For The Week: No. 1. If you'd like to participate, hurry as it will soon end.

Image by: Crystal Y on Unsplash
Image by: Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash