Travel Educate our Minimalist Lifestyle

When I want to visit a new place or a city, I mostly think of how many minutes the journey will takes, time is money, spendings much times than necessary on a journey that should either take a little time is not good.

This is why traveling by air is most likely acknowledge by people, because it takes lesser time than others means of traveling.

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I do not like traveling by water, If I am to think on any means of traveling, I would never choose, it would be to travel by water, the reason is because, I fear water a lot, maybe, since I didn't grew up, in an environment occupied by rivers.

I prepare to travel by land, because land is where I walked upright, not once but I do walked with my two legs on land.

Another thing I do consider, when I want to embark on a journey, is, if the park used to have passengers that will make us to leave on time, going to buy a ticket in a park that do not have enough passengers, can delays one journey, so it nice to have a clear understanding of how many passengers do visit the park, so that you may not missed your meeting at the expected time.

Then, I will tried to reason on what are the charges on traveling with them. Charges are never a thing to overlook, before you want to used a park, it better to know what are the fees to be paid in using their services, Inorder for it not to put you in an unnecessary situations.

Because some park charges bigger while some take a lesser and affordable fees, that suit all kind of persons.

When it gets to the day I am to travel, I do prepare on time, I do not like delayed when I want to travel, I will truly take out my mind out of my place, and then set it at that exact location, I want to visit, immediately I have activated my mind there, nothing at home will Interests me so much, but to be on my journey at that very moment.

Some times ago, I was travel to the city to see my cousin, the car got a flat tyre, on the way, and it was where we take a break for sometimes, all the passengers came down and the driver was running here and there, trying to look for someone to fixed up the flat tyre.

I took pitied on him, when he was just trying to fixed the tyre, in going to different places, yet his attitudes make me to understand that he is a kind man.

I remember, I was told that, if you are going on a journey and something happened to the car, it is best to take a break before continuing on the journey.

Some passengers could not wait for the driver to come back and give his words, what they did was to call the park and demands for their money, some of the passengers who were angry, locate the nearest park to continue their journey but I didn't see that as a good option to take.

I stay till the driver came back, he call the office and before an hour, the manager of the park, send us another vehicle that take us on our journey.

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