Live a Little...

My life has been pretty much regimented since school resumed. So, I don’t have all the time on my hands anymore. I mean, even during the holidays, I wasn’t just lazing around, you know. But at least there was this form of spontaneity to it where I knew I could basically do what I wanted, throwing in new activities and plans that I certainly didn’t bargain for because there wasn’t a schedule that was going to be altered for that, you know.

So I got to school, and I’m living the whole life that’s stipulated for me there. No spontaneity. No chance to try out things or whip in something new or abrupt. So my life flows from one class to the next, one tutorial to the next, one test to the next, without much space in between to do the things I really want.

I mean, you get used to it. The fact that you now have to try to acclimatize to something that you’re not quite used to, because failure to do so may result in the scales tipping dangerously over. But there are little things that I initiate sometimes, like some of the routines I was used to doing before this time. Like a cup of coffee in the evenings, or a call with a loved one. Little things I did that would make me know that my life isn’t slipping from my fingers and I can still enjoy it.

Personally, I’m not a fan of routine stuff. Not a fan of schedules or to-do lists. I mean, do enjoy writing or drafting them up? Yes, I do. Because it gives me this feeling of responsibility. You know, the whole woman who’s got it together, kind of vibe. And I love that feeling a lot. What I wish I loved more was following through with the schedule.

It may work for a day, a couple of days stretching into half a week at most. But then, I’d find myself slipping and this is because my mind is just not in tune with the whole regimented lifestyle, but if I just decide to do my thing, take the day as it comes, and maybe throw in a few things I would have done in my routine, I find myself being more productive.

It’s like when you’re gearing up to do a particular chore, voluntarily most likely and then someone now asks you to do it. I don’t know if it’s like that for others but immediately, I feel a sense of disenchantment. I’ve lost almost all interest in that chore I intended to do and maybe even feel slightly irked.

It’s just cause I believe in spontaneity. I believe in doing things of your volition. So, even though my daily activities are not exactly what I want them to be and as carefree as I’d like, I still find the chance to sprinkle in some activities, fun things or challenging things. Basically something that messes up with my schedule. A week ago, I threw in a little pedicure treatment. I tried not to think of the pile of work waiting for me, or the tests that I had to revise for. And just did something that made me feel so good, it was indeed therapeutic for my mental health.

The benefits of doing that in no uncertain words is excitement, first off. Routine is the fastest way to get bored. And there’s nothing as sad as no longer finding any form of excitement in your life. So, even though I’m in awe of people who fastidiously keep to their schedules and routines, I think it’s nice to spring up some things to give you a tad bit of excitement and get you all refreshed to go about your routine with more vigour.

Sometimes it’s not easy and for a lot of us, we can’t afford the luxury of fun and spontaneity but I think it’s necessary to just do it a few times. So you don’t break down, or simply get too fed up with monotony. I’m still getting mine sorted and all balanced out so when I’m completely sure of just the way, I’d share it then. Live a little, cause if you stopped, others would continue living regardless. I’m not sure that’s the exact way I heard it but the message is clear. Live today.


My entry to this week's #KISS Topic.

Image is mine.

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