
There is beauty in every little thing relating to nature but then it all depends on the eyes of the beholder. The most important thing you should ask yourself is, do you have any relationship with nature? Have you ever felt connected to the peace that nature gives? And yes, You might be wondering what nature truly is, nature is life for me because without it everything will just seem to be static. In this week's blogging ideas, we were ask to talk about our unforgettable experience/experiences in nature and I'm just here trying to think about it because they are numerous.

I'm a lover of beautiful things that occur naturally and getting the opportunity to see any of these things feels like a great opportunity, I don't know about you but I do feel this peace and assurance when I'm in nature. As a little girl, I always enjoy looking at the stars and moon, it was the best time of my life whenever I saw the moon in it's full potential and also when the stars are everywhere in the sky. I've loved the clouds since when I was little and those nights when I got the privilege to see a shooting star was also the best for me.

I would say, my encounter with the stars, sun, moon and the blue skies were just so awesome and I can't just stop loving them ever since my first encounter. Looking at the stars back then, I always like looking for myself represented in those stars and then my loved ones and that act alone, just gives me this peace and calmness within and I think you are missing out a lot if you don't look at the sky and create your own stories, hehe. And the moon, I love it when it shines so bright in the night, it gives me the feeling that I'm not alone, I have someone watching over my every move and that is how I always feel when I get to see a full moon.


I do enjoy the sun especially after a rain fall and that's because the heat is mostly at the minimal which makes it enjoyable to stare at the sun and think of so many things that makes me appreciate it more. Just the way I appreciate these beauties of nature, I also enjoy staring at the clouds and watching how it moves slowly and I also get the opportunity to paint a picture in my head from some shapes that the clouds forms, just thinking about it now puts a smile on my face, hehe. I have so many unforgettable experiences in nature and all of these experiences are what made me love nature so much.

I also love flowers but sadly I do not know their names, I just get attracted to them by their beautiful colors and fragrance. In all of these things that I've said, I'm surprised there are some that are not interested in nature at all and if you are part of that list, I would love to tell you that you are missing a lot from all of those great feelings you get from nature. Nature is a great giver because she always shares her beauty with everyone and anyone she comes in contact with and I think almost everyone at one point or another has had an encounter with nature but then I want to encourage you to make that encounter intentionally and see more of the beauty of nature.

My words might not have spelt it all out to you but then I'm sure you were able to get in the story at some point and I hope you start creating a good relationship with nature and it's a promise you will never regret it, you will only enjoy it.

@merit.ahama I think you might love to check out this week's blogging idea and I'm sure you can relate better with my experience in nature because we did most of these things together, hehe.

Until next time, stay AWESOME!!!

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