
Sometimes it feels like the more I try to curb some expenses the more it seems harder to. Staying in a place like Nigeria has been a challenge to helping me spend minimally but that's not an excuse at all but then I do believe and know that things would have been a lot easier if only my country was helping matters in some areas.

Lately we've been spending so much in purchasing petrol for generator since we need the power to charge up our devices. Initially we do have electricity once in a while which was quite manageable but then recently we got cut off from our prepaid meter due to the fact that we weren't the only ones making use of it and it wasn't proper that way.

We will have to go to the power office to rectify whatever may be wrong and seek for a way forward but somehow we haven't been able to go to the office because my dad who is suppose to go has been occupied with work and it's so hard to make out time for that purpose. But then we've only been spending even more and more on petrol.

Since we are mostly online, we need the power so it's almost hard to cut the expenses of getting petrol to put on the generator. Normally we get close to $3 worth of Petrol everyday and so far so good it is quite enough to always keep us active but in a more limiting way because we have to manage what we have so we don't run into making use of more Petrol on a daily basis.

Recently I've tried to limit my activities online just so I don't exceed the budget for the day and still keep my devices active. It has been hard for me because it's so unlike me but then this has given me the opportunity to learn how to manage what I have even more and I've also gotten more opportunity to rest more.


Well, I can't keep going on like this and the only way out now is to get a new power bank which will help me conserve power for those times when we will be out of electricity and that can help me stay more active doing what I want to do. I do know that if things continue this way, I'd loss so many opportunities and that's the last thing I want now.

I'd be going to school soon and I will be needing more income as much as I can and I want to make sure I keep working to get myself a good income to help me sustain a comfortable life in my new environment. The Inflation is getting higher by the day so reducing the amount of expenses is something that we just have to do and I'm trying my best to do so too.

Expenses will definitely come up but there is always a way to cut down some expenses and I believe the best way I can cut down the cost is by getting a new power bank since the old one is no longer functioning as it should.

All Images used are mine

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