Relating at your Workplace

Happy Weekend

Another blog idea of the week. Thanks to @millycf1976.

Working with people, you will meet individuals with varied attitudes, for you to interact with your customers and coworkers, you must study them and respond appropriately toward them.


Show love:
No matter how you interact or show affection to people at work(customers or coworkers) not everyone will love you, always remember that.
But it doesn't mean you won't express love to everyone or have select people you show love to.

Be patient:
You may not be able to function effectively if you're not patient. They are people that would prefer to test or make you angry to watch your response. It needs someone who is patient and does not respond quickly.

Always maintain a pleasant face:
First impression counts a lot and the face is what people are likely to view first before talking to you.
Be accommodating and always put a smiling face. Avoid taking problems from home down to work, it may affect you at your workplace.
You can't keep an angry expression and enable others to have access to you readily.

Act kindly:
Some of the practices we should posses at our workplace is being nice. Avoid using foul remarks or unpleasant phrases on someone.
Words matter a lot and have great influence. Using polite phrases will make people comfortable around you. Say “Sorry" when you are wrong and “Thank you" when any type of help was offered to you.

I would love to invite @desiredlady @lormez16 to join in this week blog idea. You can know more about it here

Thank you for reading
Have a wonderful weekend

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